Questions To Help You Decide If Montessori Learning Is Right For Your Child

By the time a young child begins to walk and talk, many parents find themselves discussing future options for daycare, preschool, and other learning environments. If you're looking for an experience that goes beyond the traditional education model, you might want to consider Montessori schooling. Here's a look at some of the things you should know if you're considering a Montessori education for your child.

What Kinds of Kids Thrive in Montessori Schools?

For a child to thrive in a Montessori school, they need a few key things. First, they need to be introduced to a Montessori environment as early in life as possible. In most cases, kids start Montessori schools by around their third birthday. Kids who live in a home that embraces the Montessori philosophy are also more likely to succeed. That means providing a home that focuses on using high-quality wooden toys, limiting electronics, being respectful, and spending time in nature.

Your child should also be flexible and tolerant of change. It's important for adapting to a new environment, and it makes the transition to a Montessori school a more enjoyable process. If your child has special needs, the various ages and academic stages of a Montessori classroom can be beneficial as well.

How Involved Are the Parents Compared to Other Programs?

Parents should be extremely involved; they play a vital role in a child's success in a Montessori environment. You'll want to ensure that you're providing a consistent environment for your child, reinforcing the Montessori messages of respect, independence, and exploration. You should understand that your child's education is more of a long-term process than a sprint to the right answer. Remember that your child will grow and change, learning many things, including confidence, understanding, and curiosity.

Be an active part of the school, volunteering and encouraging your child's success. Remember that your child will take many of his or her cues from your approach and behavior. Model the approach you want to see. Make sure that you visit the school on a regular basis and you understand exactly what your child is working on at any given time. That way, you can support his or her learning and offer more opportunities for enrichment.

If you aren't familiar with Montessori classrooms, it can be a difficult decision. With the information here and a visit to your local Montessori school, like Country Day School, you can determine if it may be a good fit for your child's education. 
