Beyond The Sea: Tips To Prepare For A Study Abroad

Studying abroad is a fantastic opportunity for students to learn more about a foreign culture and get their first taste in traveling the world. Though students may be eager to leave immediately and discover the new surroundings and cultures themselves, it is always a good idea to begin with some research. Here are just a few things to consider beforehand when embarking on a study abroad program. 

Learn the Language

Dealing with the language barrier of traveling to a foreign country can quickly become overwhelming for students. Learning at least the basics of the language they are about to be immersed in is a smart way to better prepare for the trip. For example, greetings that translate to "good morning" or "good afternoon" would be very helpful in making an excellent first impression on those abroad but also offer a useful way to get a conversation started. Students should not be surprised that once they have lived in a foreign country for a few weeks, more elements of the language will come naturally to them.

Pack Smart

Deciding on what to pack can be a conundrum. Students should keep in mind that necessary school materials such as heavy textbooks can easily add more weight than desired to their luggage. Packing only the essentials such as toiletries, medications, a few sets of clothing, socks, and underwear will be a great way to begin the packing process. Other items to consider are favorite snacks that may not be available in the foreign country and items that bring entertainment or recreation such as sports equipment, movie players, books, or games. Be mindful of additional fees that may be incurred with heavy luggage and how easy they will be to transport to and from the airport. 

Cultural Differences

While most students will understandably be excited about the prospect of studying abroad, they should also be aware of the potential culture shock they may experience. While language on its own will become an instant obstacle to deal with, cultural customs and gestures may not be easily understood. A great way to prepare for this is to study materials regarding the foreign country to get a better idea on how to behave politely and respectfully. Learning about greeting gestures, for instance, would be an excellent place to start. While some countries may accept a handshake, for example, others may require a small bow or nod according to their traditions. 

Contact a study abroad program to learn more. 
